Roasted Organic Yerba Mate

Superior Standard in Raw Material

Organic Yerba Mate – Tostada from Qualitá do Brasil is grown with strict organic standards. It is distinguished by its flavor, the result of a process in which it is carefully roasted, seeking to preserve the striking characteristics of the toasted herb.

Cultivation and Processing

Selected from herbs located in Cruz Machado, this yerba mate is cultivated under ideal conditions that enrich its chemical composition and provide a distinctive flavor. The harvesting process is meticulously planned to ensure that the leaves are harvested at the peak of their vitality.


Selo de Certificação em Produto Orgânico Brasil
Selo de Certificação BR BIO 154 - Brazil Agriculture
Canada Organic Seal
selo organico USDA
Selo de Certificação BIO SUISSE ORGANIC
Selo de Certificação do Padrão Agrícola Japones - JAS
Selo de Certificação KOSER B.K.A. PARVE
Selo de Certificação Fair for Life
Selo Rainforest
Selo demeter biodynamic certification

Other products

Qualitá Brasil is proud to offer a line of organic herbs that are not only delicious, but also produced under the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility.

Green Organic Yerba Mate

Erva mate verde

Aged Organic Yerba Mate

Erva mate estacionada

Roasted Organic Yerba Mate

Erva mate tostada